Interview Support
Being interviewed is not easy, particularly if you are a bit rusty or feel you are not making the impact you should be to get that job.
Download our Ultimate Guide to Being Interviewed
It is highly likely that during your search for a new position you will be asked to attend an interview, either with a Recruitment Consultancy or with a prospective employer.
The interview is a controlled discussion between you and the prospective employer, or the search consultant who is representing the employer.
The interviewer is not there to trick you but to find out if you are suitable, that you have the skills that you mention on your CV and that you will fit well into the organisation and team.
The meeting should be a two-way exchange of information and a fact finding exercise which will help the interviewer form an opinion about you, and conversely gives you an opportunity to find out about the organisation.
If you think you need help with your interview technique, feel decidedly rusty when it comes to interviews or keep coming a close second then you could benefit from our personal Interview Skills Training.
The training is fully bespoke to you, the sector you are in and the roles you are applying for, rather than being generic.
The sessions are delivered online (or face to face if you prefer) with subsequent support and advice whilst you are in the interview process.
We will cover:
Body language
Key questions to practice
Reasons for leaving
Active listening
And much more
Contact us below for more information or Book an Appointment Now